Well done that man.

CNBS verifies reports Elmer “Dick” Fuld was attacked for financial institution’s bankruptcy:

“ ‘From two very senior sources – one incredibly senior source – that he went to the gym after … Lehman was announced as going under. He was on a treadmill with a heart monitor on. Someone was in the corner, pumping iron and he walked over and he knocked him out cold. And frankly after having watched this, I’d have done the same too.’

”  Ward determined Fuld deserved the beating based on his testimony before the committee.

”  ‘I thought he was shameless,’ Ward said. ‘I thought it was appalling. He blamed everyone. He blamed, as you say, ‘naked short sellers’ over and over in case we didn’t get the point, when in fact hedge funds like Harbinger had money locked up in Lehman and was shorting it to try and make the most of the money that they already had. He blamed everybody but himself.’ ”
[Business & Media Institute]

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